We bring the

4.0 future

to you

We bring the

4.0 future

to you

About Company

SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS is a start-up company exclusively dedicated to the development of innovative solutions for the industry 4.0 need, integrating the world of spectroscopy and data science with the advances in IoT technologies. It has a team specialized in chemometrics, programming, engineering, analytical chemistry and applications, ready to simplify complex concepts and bring the highest technologies of the future into your daily life.

About our


Founded by Luiz Felipe M. de Aquino, an entrepreneur for over 31 years in the field of analytical instrumentation, he had already worked on projects of national renown, such as the development of Astrocam, a space and planetary simulation device that is capable of representing an environment like Mars or an interstellar cloud, for the USP Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics. In addition, he also worked on several other projects, including the installation of 3 pilot plants for SENAI CETIQ / RJ, installation of an FTIR system combined with a wet gas delivery panel for the UFRJ Biology Institute, implementation of a hyperspectral system for the PUG / GO, which even today uses it for work in the medical field. 

What we have done for

the last 4 years…

Today, SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS already operates in the main tobacco industries in the country, pharmaceutical giants and the largest bioenergy plants, having developed more than 44 parameters made in 18 matrices in the sugar-energy production process and more than 38 marketing partnerships with a research center for areas such as agriculture, food, feed, fuels and polymers.

We are
