The world 

is changing to

 the 4.0 industry 



What about


The world is

changing to

4.0 Industry.

What about you?

4.0 Future and you

Productivity, cost reduction, real-time control of production process, compliance with quality standard in 100% of production, possibility of immediate analysis with laboratory standards directly in the field, sustainable analysis without generating residues and reagents. Spectral Solutions brings you the highest technologies on the market, based on spectroscopy, so you are ready for the 4.0 market.

How do we take you to

the future?

Data scientists and chemometricians:

Available for equipment purchase consulting, calibration development, transfer, data process and training.

Development and manufacture of solutions

Engineers, programmers and state-of-art factory infrastructure for software development, accessory manufacturing and optical equipment manufacturing.

Partnership with major research centers

Collaborative partnership model that allows commercialization and profitability of academic works and research in the field of spectroscopy, bringing innovation to the market.

How do we take you to

the future?

Data scientists and chemometricians:

Available for equipment purchase consulting, calibration development, transfer, data process and training.

Development and manufacture of solutions

Engineers, programmers and state-of-art factory infrastructure for software development, accessory manufacturing and optical equipment manufacturing.

Partnership with major research centers

Collaborative partnership model that allows commercialization and profitability of academic works and research in the field of spectroscopy, bringing innovation to the market.

Perform your analysis

directly on the field

You no longer have to wait for the laboratories’ results. Analysis of technical parameters of quality, identification, classification of samples directly from the field, in seconds. Discover our portable solutions, developed software and calibrations available.

Faça análises em campo. Em campo.

Perform your analysis

directly on the field

You no longer have to wait for the laboratories’ results. Analysis of technical parameters of quality, identification, classification of samples directly from the field, in seconds. Discover our portable solutions, developed software and calibrations available.

Real-time monitoring

of your production.

The industry cannot stop. Quality control must be strict. Therefore, SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS develops solutions based on artificial vision and chemometric techniques so that you have 100% control of your production in real time. Optimize processes and identify failures early on.

Apps developed

with you in mind.

SPECTRAL Solutions developed 3 fully integrated apps, especially for any infrared spectrometer, including the iSpectral smartphone application (available for Android and IOS), the SPECTRAL CLOUD cloud platform and the SPECTRAL SOFT software. All software was developed thinking about the main needs of operators, such as intuitive interface and simplified complex concepts, precision, detailing, clarity and integration with the most varied data sources, real-time synchronization and the possibility of using the smartphone application without the need of internet connection. 

Softwares e Aplicativos feitos pensando em você.
Gerenciamento de dados em um só ambiente

All analysis integrated

in one control screen.

WEB portal operates in cloud, with a synchronized database in real time, integrating software and application for smartphone. Monitor the analysis made in the field in real time, directly from your headquarters, with detailed results reports and geolocation resources, available anywhere and anytime for authenticated users.

Real-time monitoring

of your production.

The industry cannot stop. Quality control must be strict. Therefore, SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS develops solutions based on artificial vision and chemometric techniques so that you have 100% control of your production in real time. Optimize processes and identify failures early on.

Apps developed

with you in mind.

SPECTRAL Solutions developed 3 fully integrated apps, especially for any infrared spectrometer, including the iSpectral smartphone application (available for Android and IOS), the SPECTRAL CLOUD cloud platform and the SPECTRAL SOFT software. All software was developed thinking about the main needs of operators, such as intuitive interface and simplified complex concepts, precision, detailing, clarity and integration with the most varied data sources, real-time synchronization and the possibility of using the smartphone application without the need of internet connection. 

All analysis integrated

in one control screen.

WEB portal operates in cloud, with a synchronized database in real time, integrating software and application for smartphone. Monitor the analysis made in the field in real time, directly from your headquarters, with detailed results reports and geolocation resources, available anywhere and anytime for authenticated users.

Gerenciamento de dados em um só ambiente


Calibrations Web Store

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